Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blog post #5

After watching that 70's show i realized that almost all of the characters are white. There is only one that isn't which is Fez. Fez is a teenage immigrant from India and has a strong accent and doesn't understand the American way of life. What makes his stereotype stand out more is him being surrounded by white Americans. The dad (Red, is around 50 years old), The mom (kitty 50 years old as well) Eric Kelso Donna, Hide and Jackie. They are all in highschool and live like any other teenager would in America. They are influenced by each other and tend to do bad things. In a few episodes they are sitting at a table and the camera is zooming in on each person and they say stupid things, the reason being is that they are high. Since they are in highschool its more available and easily pressure into things like that. The parents in the show have the dominate roll over everyone because they are older. Red likes to boss Fez around and threaten him by saying he will report him to the immigration services. Watching the show makes you realize cultivation theory alot. 

Blog post #4 What makes a movie Franchise successful.

  I had the movie The Fast and the Furious. This Franchise was defiantly a success. It started off in 2001 and its still going strong today in 2012. It has various stars in the movie that brings it to life. The stars that appear in the movie are very popular actors already and have taken it to the next level in this franchise. The movie casts Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, and Michelle Rodriguez.  I know that Vin Diesel alone can make a movie do good. According to Monster That Ate Hollywood, a actor can make the movie what it is, without those actors the movie would be nothing. With a production budget of just $38million here is what it made. (according to box office mojo) Total Lifetime Grosses. Domestic: $144,533,925=69.7% and Foreign was 30.3% with $62,750,000. With a world wide gross coming to a shocking $207,283,925. Here is a trailer filled with lots of things that drew tons of people into the theatres on opening day to see the movie. It was a new type of franchise that is exciting, dangerous and fun. It includes street racing mixed in with alot of other business. Check it out (:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#Digital Nation

"Over time their brain is able to say ok, this is uncomfortable, but its not a life threatening situation i can tone down the level of anxiety and stress." says  Digital nation. They also said that virtual reality simulators are helping military veterans to get through the stress and anxiety that follows after the war. Virtual reality is taking everything to the next level, it's changing real life situations into things that are just in front of your eyes. According to Discovery news there are contact lenses that help enhance normal vision with megapixel 3D panoramic image.  They are being designed by scientists using military funding. Once again if the military can use these lenses against the enemy this gives us a unfair advantage just because our technology. Another idea consists of augmented reality (AR)  displays that overlay computer-generated images overlay computer-generated images over real-world environments. All of these things can actually trick our mind into believing that we had done something we haven't, or making our mind think that we are not in danger in some cases. As Digital Nation says in the documentary, "After virtual reality of swimming with whales, half of the kids believed that they had actually went swimming with the whales". Its very crazy what virtual reality can do, It can help us in many ways or terrorize us under certain circumstances. Digital nation also says that the military is currently using virtual reality therapy for post traumatic stress disorder. These virtual simulations of war have actually been proven to lower the stress and anxiety rating of the soldiers. Over time their brains realize that they can adjust to everything in life and move on from PTSD.  Not only the military can benefit from all of this virtual reality technology. Discovery news says that "About 10 million people in the U.S. have macular degeneration, where the retina in their eyes is less able to discern detail". If they create a type of lens to help people see in full detail and experience life through the eyes of something spectacular. The reason its called virtual reality is because it can make things seem real, in some cases the virtual things you actually see are real. Just like in Digital Nation, they showed a video about the Air-force and the drones. "From a desert Air-force base, pilots fly drones that execute missions in Iraq and Afghanistan". While sitting behind these computers people can do things that don't require them to actually put their life on the line. They're fighting a real war from a room thousands of miles away. Digital nation also says that pilots of the drones are required to wear flight suits while operating them to remind them that they are actually at war. The pilots must adjust after going to war during the way and living their normal everyday life in the night time. This can also cause PTSD, which is very very interesting just because the fact that they actually aren't in Iraq doing this. The mind is convinced they are in the war fighting all day from piloting the drones. With the way technology is changing these days, all of the things we have learnt to know are changing so much. The reality of this all is very shocking. Before we know it everything will be virtual and we the people will physically never have to do anything.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Media Profile
After I got done doing this media diet I learned a lot of things about myself and the way society works today. The whole world pretty much relies on media now a days. If its not heard from tv or the computer and other technology , in some places like a third world country it may be heard over radio, media still got to them either way. The media that is the most important to me in my life has to be the computer. It is a big tool to everything that I do. Without a computer I would never be able to do half of the things I do, for example write this post in my blog. I need the computer to download music to put on my Ipod and enjoy music which is another great media I can't live without. Music tends to structure all that I do in my life. I sit down to work on some school work and listen to some music. It also comes in hand when driving to the store, or a friends house, it really makes driving 10% better haha. I expect media to bring me what I want. I mean it may sound a bit demanding but the consumer is always right in this case. If we did not purchase their songs, watch TV, watch YouTube clips filled with advertisements, listen to the radio, the media wouldn't be here. So it is whatever we want the big company's, small bands, popular artists will put out the media that we want, it ranges from so many things. The good thing is that people tend to like the same things, and catch on through the media about the stuff they might like. The stuff people put out there for entertainment isn't for everybody its just for the audience they put it out there for. When I want my media I'll just hop on the computer and go to good ol'google to search up what I need. I'd say 99% of the time whatever im lookin for and want is already there I just need to put the effort in and go find it. I really appreciate the website google, it's really amazing because you're able to search through the whole internet and find what you want. Imagine life without google? or internet without google, that would be the hardest thing EVER to navigate through! C'mon try finding all of those pictures by typing in somebody's URL link. Facebook has become more popluar than ever in the past few years. It's really grown on America and the world. I remember when Myspace was the cool thing to do, and Facebook wasn't so popular. I tend to be on Facebook whenever I'm watching TV or movies, and both of those combined is about 12 hours a week. Another thing I do alot more than watch TV or movies and even Facebook is listen to music. I spent a shocking 17 hours last week listening to music, Really? I never noticed it's that much of my life, but it's just such a habbit I don't notice it anymore. It's kind of just in the background of what ever im doing. With that being this is what I think about the media we have available to us today, The world revolves around meida, but really the Media is just revolving around us (the consumers).